Tuesday, April 24, 2007

First Post

Welcome to my blog. I'm going to use this blog mostly as my running journal. Hopefully it will keep me motivated and accountable for my training and my goals.

--- A little about me ---
My name is Brandon. I'm 25 and I live in Kearney, NE with my wonderful wife Amy. We've been out here for a couple of years now. I'm a computer programmer at Cabela's and Amy runs a daycare and teaches preschool for the kids of the staff at a nursing home.

Earlier this year I decided to start running again. I signed up for a 5k and started training. That lasted a couple weeks, then I took the month before the race off but I ran the race anyway. I was hurting a few minutes into it and I stopped and walked many times during it. I ended up running a 29:09 and feeling like a loser. This actually motivated me to run because I did so bad I realized how out of shape I really was. Amy decided to start running after that race too.

We both signed up for a two mile race that was three weeks after my 5k and set somewhat lofty goals. I wanted to break 15 and Amy wanted to break 20. We both ran pretty consistently for the three weeks until the race and it paid off. I ran a 14.53 and Amy ran a 19.55. I'm still a little surprised that I actually made my goal. That run was just this past Saturday so that pretty much takes us to today.

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