Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Resolution

Well it's that time a year again, we all make promises for the year that we will keep for a few weeks, maybe. I'm jumping on that train too.

I've been quite the slacker lately (when I say lately I mean the last few months) when it comes to running. But I'm starting up again. I'm going to keep things simple. I am going to run every other day. I want to get to a point where I run 3 miles two runs in a row then 5 miles, the two 3 mile runs again. It will be a little while before I'm to that point though. It amazes me how fast I get out of shape. Tonight I just ran 1.5 miles.

The only running goal I have set for myself this year (so far) is to run 1000 KM or 621 miles over the course of the year. There is a user group (here) on RunningAhead of people that have this same goal. It has a nice page that shows the users progress and a pace bunny that makes it easy to see if you're on pace to meet the goal.

I'm going to start posting on here again with some regularity. I'm thinking two or three times a week. Hopefully I'll stick to it better than last time I said that. My next semester will be kind of busy so we'll see how it goes.

I hope everyone has an excellent year.

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