Sunday, August 3, 2008

Weekly Recap Week 4

This week was my first fall back week and it was great, but I'm looking forward to getting my mileage back up again.

Monday 7/28 - An easy two miler. I ran with Amy as usual but I couldn't keep up with her, my legs where tired and I didn't feel like going after it. I took an ice bath after my run too. I kind of like doing them, it's only the first few seconds that are bad. But I don't fit in the bathtub very well, it's a little bit too short. Someday when we move out of this apartment and get a house I'll probably do them in a trash can standing up, or figure out someone to sit in one. Until then though I'll have to settle for just having most of my legs under the water.
Distance 2 miles, time 20:47, pace 10:24, average heart rate 145.

Wednesday 7/30 - My sleeping is starting to get really messed up. I took a little nap after work for a couple of hours and I was really out of it for awhile after I got up. I finally got my run in around 11. I love running at night, it's just me out there all alone with an occasional car. It was a beautiful night too, clear sky with lots of stars shining.
Distance 2.5 miles, time 27:13, pace 10:54, average heart rate 151

Thursday 7/31 - About an hour and a half of ultimate. Good times and lots and lots of sweat.

Saturday 8/2 - Man it's August already, that sucks. It means school is starting soon and I have to get my project from last semester done still (or take a C, which is very tempting). We were in Lincoln again this weekend and it was extremely hot. So instead of running in 100+ degree heat we paid a visit to Amy's parents and used their treadmill. It has this nice little feature where you can set the number of miles you want to run. Once you hit that point the treadmill alerts you of that by promptly stopping. I didn't fall though, just almost. Being inside in the air conditioning with no hills or anything really keep my HR down.
Distance 2 miles, time 21:00, pace 10:30, average heart rate 138.

I think I might start doing these posts more than once a week, like after each run instead. The way I've done my last couple is that I start a post, write about a run, then save it and add to it the rest of the week. So I figure, why not just post it instead of saving it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very fine......