Sunday, May 10, 2009


I may have mentioned it before but I'm pretty much as flexible as a board. I always have been. I decided to do a little test. I sat with my heels against the wall and a ruler between my feet and I reached as far as I could. Now most people wouldn't be able to do the test this way because they would hit the wall. However, I was 3 inches short of it. According to this article, that is actually Fair for a guy.

I haven't done any research on it yet, but I suspect that I can improve my flexibility by just stretching more. I enjoying doing Yoga so I figure that will be a good way to improve my flexibility. YOGAmazing is a site that has free podcasts and stuff and he has one on Flexibility that I liked so I'm going to plan on doing that once or twice a week. Then I'll measure my flexibility the same way I did before to see if I improve any.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In addition to yoga I would also mix in some ballistic/dynamic stretching with myofascial release.