When I first reviewed my heart rate monitor I didn't have any big complaints. Last nights run changed that a little bit, as I mentioned in my last post I lost the data for my last run. The memory bank can only store ten runs and mine was full. So I started the stopwatch when I started my run last night and hit the split at the halfway point then stopped it once I was done. I had the final time I ran but to look at my splits and average heart rate and whatnot I had to switch to Data mode. Before I do that I always save my run, but since my watch was full I couldn't. Some sort of warning that it was full would be nice (there could be one that I missed, I haven't played with it to see).
The button I usually hit to save the data actually said it was going to clear it. As a computer programmer I look at user interfaces slightly different than most people, and I feel that's a bad design. If it were me I wouldn't have that button clear the run, just display an error message that the run couldn't be saved. That would save lots of runners the frustration of clearing a run as soon as they finish instead of saving it like they meant to.
Since I couldn't save the run I switched over to delete a run so I could save that one. If you continue to hold the clear button down after clearing one run it will clear all the runs saved (a very nice feature in my opinion). So I went ahead and did that. Then I went back to my run and IT WAS GONE!! That meant I lost my splits and my average heart rate and my time in the zone and all those fun little stats that I get. I haven't played around to see if it was clearing all the runs that clear it or just leaving that mode. Either way it's pretty annoying.
I'm not trying to pass the buck or anything like that, it was my fault for not ensuring that I had an empty data slot before going for a run (something I'll make damn sure of in the future). I just think the watch could have been designed better to not lose the current run data when that situation comes up.
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