Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pushup Challenge Week 1

I completed week 1 of the 100 push up challenge today. To summarize the week in three words or less, I'm a wuss. (I'm only counts as one word even though it replaces two right?)

And now a few more details...

Day 1
During my initial test I was able to do 17 push ups, way more than the 10 push up cutoff for column three of the workout plan. The first day I was supposed to do sets of 10, 10, 8, 6 and then max out, resting 60 seconds in between sets. The first two sets went fine. I struggled a ton and only managed to do 7 for the third set. Then I rested a few minutes and was able to do 6. For my max I was able to pull off 2 whole push ups before my arms were completed drained of all strength. Which was slightly below the 7 minimum the site says I was supposed to be able to do.

Day 2
I was pretty sure day one was just a fluke, I used to be able to do 50 push ups everyday after a couple few hours of practice (about 8 years ago). So I stayed on column 3 and was supposed to do sets of 12, 12, 10, 10 and max with 90 secs rest between them. Again the first two sets were too bad. However I could only do like 2 on the third set. So I quit. I decided I'd try again later but do column 2. I played on the Wii Fit for around a half hour or so and gave it another shot. This time it was sets of 9, 8, 6, 5 and max, again with 90 seconds rest. I was able to get through each set but my max was only 4, it was supposed to be at least 7.

Day 3
I decided I'd do my push ups during lunch today. I'm pretty certain that in my current state I am not where I need to be to do column 3. So I swallowed my pride and dropped down to column 2. The sets for column 2 are 10, 8, 8, and then max. I was able to get through all of but I was only able max out at 7 and I was supposed to do 10.

Since I'm such a wuss I'm going to start over and do week 1 again and this time I'm going to do the second column all three days. I think I'll feel a lot better about it if I'm able to finish my workouts.

Amy is doing this 100 push up challenge thingy too, and she is a doing a lot better than me. Her initial max was only 2 push ups, but she got through every one of her workouts successfully and did more than the minimum max all three days.

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