Friday, July 11, 2008

Thanks Jim

I meant to post this a few days ago but I'm just getting around to it. One of my interests besides running is personal finance and making sure Amy and I do stuff the right way today so we don't have to worry about stuff in the future (or at least not as much). There are a ton of great personal finance blogs out there. One of the blogs that I subscribe to is Blueprint for Financial Prosperity. A little more than a week ago Jim reviewed Financial Infidelity then had a drawing for a free copy of the book. I was lucky and won the drawing and received the book last weekend. It's a nice hardcover edition even. I probably won't get to it for a few weeks because I'm reading a couple of other books now, but I'm looking forward to it. Amy started it and thinks its interesting so far. So thanks for the book Jim, keep up the great work on your blog.

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