Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why I run

I started a "series" of posts awhile back on why I run. I think I only wrote one though so I'm not real sure that qualifies as a series.

Anyway another reason that I run is because I can. I'm not going to go into a lot of detail on this post. This is actually my second time writing it. I had Amy read the first one and we decided it probably shouldn't be posted, too much personal information. Don't get me wrong I have no problem letting people know what I think and where I stand. However there was info in it about other people and I don't think it is my place to write about them.

So here is attempt number two. I run because I can. It might sound like kind of an jerk reason or something but it's really not. There are many people out there that aren't able to run, some of them used to, some of them might wish they could and others could careless. Whatever the reason they are out there and we all know too many of them. There are all kinds of reasons maybe they have an illness or decease, or maybe they were injured, or maybe there is some other reason. When I do think about skipping a run or doing it later I think of them. I say to myself, "Self there are people out there that can't run so get off your lazy ass and go run, if you can't do it for yourself then do it for them."

Although not exactly what I'm trying to say I think this quote from Steve Prefontaine is great and can be looked at along the same lines, "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."

1 comment:

The Laminator said...'s not a selfish thing to say. "Because I can" is as good a reason to get out there as any. I have a series on my blog on "why i run" can check it out if you click on the label on the left side. Anyway, good luck on your running!