Thursday, May 10, 2007


They are implementing a wellness program at work. So we had to answer some questions about our lifestyles, have some measurements taken and some blood work done. Based on the measurements and blood work we get a score. If we score better than 71 we get something, they have to figure that part out still.

The measurements they took were all pretty basic, height, weight, neck size, waist size (measured at the belly button) and blood pressure. My measurements were as follows:
Height: 6'5.75"
Weight: 179 (I don't see how that could be right. I weigh myself every morning and my average is right around 170)
Neck: 14.5"
Waist: 33" (would have been really easy to manipulate that one)
Blood Pressure: 116/58

To determine our score they calculate stuff like BMI and body fat percent and do tons of different tests on our blood. For each category they have different ranges and points for each range. Apparently I'm a pretty healthy guy. I was in the minimal risk range for every category except for one, so I got the full points for all of those. The only category I am a moderate risk for is body fat percentage. I lost four points for that so I ended up with a score of 96 out of 100.

My scale tests body fat also, it varies from day to day but it averages about 8%. However according to their tests my body fat is 13%. To fall in the minimal risk category I have to have less than 13%. I was curious to see how they came up with that percentage. In the results they said they use a modified version of the U.S. Navy's circumference-based formula to calculate body fat percentage. I found this online calculator that also Navy's method. I entered my measurements and it only came up with 9%. A couple of my coworkers tired it and it came up with the same percent that they had on their reports. I'm not unhappy with my score or anything like that, I just find it strange that those numbers don't match for me. If I would have guessed where I would lose points body fat would have been very close to the bottom of the list.

I had never had my cholesterol tested or anything like that so it was interesting to see those results. I won't bore you with the details (if you really want to know leave me a note and I'll post them). For the most part I was well below the cutoff for the minimal risk range in every category.

Instead of writing up my analysis of the log sites I spent most the evening trying to figure out which HRM to get. I have it narrowed down to a couple but I think I'll try and find them in a store to get a real feel for what they are like. I did get my data entered on all the sites though. So hopefully I can get that post done tomorrow.

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